The cosmopolitan city of Dubai is renowned for its diverse population. Of all the many expatriates living and working in this vibrant city, the Indian expatriate population is one of the most important and visible.
With the Indian expatriates making up the largest foreign population in the emirate, it is not surprising that they have become an essential part of the city’s social and economic fabric. In the last decade, the number of Indians living and working in Dubai has increased exponentially as people from across the country flock to Dubai for employment opportunities. In fact, it is estimated that almost a third of Dubai’s three million inhabitants are of Indian descent.
India is an incredibly diverse country, and so too is the Indian diaspora in Dubai. The local Indian population is highly educated and come from a wide range of backgrounds and professions. In the professional world, the Indian diaspora has made a tremendous impact in industries such as banking, finance, IT, construction, hospitality and retail. Indian expats in Dubai make up a large base of the labour force, from manual workers to professionals in senior positions. It is also estimated that Indian expats are contributing close to one-third of Dubai’s total GDP.
The Indian expatriates have helped shape the city’s culture, providing a distinct flavour to the emirate with their cuisine and festive celebrations. Dubai boasts some of the most famous Indian restaurants, while popular Indian festivals are celebrated throughout the city, with vibrant parades and cultural displays.
The Indian expatriate population in Dubai is a welcomed part of the city and one that is sure to continue to grow. With its strong economy and increasing job opportunities, Dubai has become an attractive option for Indian professionals looking to make a better life for themselves and their families. And it is highly likely that the Indian diaspora will only increase in size in the coming years.
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